We fell, then we’re alive

Aqui podeu veure i escoltar el vídeo de “We fell, then we’re alive”  del projecte Unu tago unu kanzono, en el que vam participar.


Aquí en teniu la lletra

When I feel lonely and blue,
I cannot bear the world,
no, that’s too much for me
’cause everything’s too big.
But like my mother said, “there’s hope everywhere,
you just open your eyes and let the love be there”.
Then she began to sing,
her voice was crystal-clear:
“Someday you’ll understand
that we are all the same:
we feel, then we’re alive!
I need you to be there.
Sing with me. Canta amb mi. Canta conmigo.
Chante avec moi. Canta con me. Sing mit mir.
Kantu kun mi.”
You look into my eyes,
we feel our souls as one,
we share a smile and sing
just proud, alive and free.
’cause like my mother said, there’s hope everywhere,
you just open your eyes and let the love be there.
Now we begin to sing,
our voice is crystal-clear:
Today we understand
that we are all the same:
we feel, then we’re alive!
We need you to be there.
Sing with us. Canteu amb nosaltres. Cantad con nosotros.
Chantez avec nous! Cantate con noi! Kantas kun ni.

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